Monday, March 4, 2013

For Tuesday 03/05/13

Sorry I have jury duty today and my copies were not done from last week due to copier not working.  I am going to ask that you work with a partner or alone and pick one of the following topics to research and put together in a PPT or Prezi to present. One topic per group so you need to work it out amongst yourselves.
 Topics to choose from:

Industrialization Revolution and its effect on women and children
Classical Economics:  Malthus, Ricardo, Adam Smith etc.
Socialism/Marxism/Anarchism etc.  Marx and Engels
The Crimean War
Italian Unification
Franco-Prussian War
German Unification

-minimum 10 slides per person (may have more) and every image must be cited
-Two Key Primary Documents to review and explain the significance of to the class, think of APPARTS
-Two biographies of key people minimum
-overview of events
-lasting implications/significance
Works cited or bibliography on last slide or on the actual slide.  Due Date Monday 03/11/13