Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Last Assignments

Please check the discussion board for requirements.  It has been a bit hectic with testing so please Seniors make sure to remember that semester grades to FIU are later than high school grades.  So we are not done till the fat lady sings ha ha that's me!!!  Meaning you can have a higher grade + or - which is what FIU uses.

Monday, March 4, 2013

For Tuesday 03/05/13

Sorry I have jury duty today and my copies were not done from last week due to copier not working.  I am going to ask that you work with a partner or alone and pick one of the following topics to research and put together in a PPT or Prezi to present. One topic per group so you need to work it out amongst yourselves.
 Topics to choose from:

Industrialization Revolution and its effect on women and children
Classical Economics:  Malthus, Ricardo, Adam Smith etc.
Socialism/Marxism/Anarchism etc.  Marx and Engels
The Crimean War
Italian Unification
Franco-Prussian War
German Unification

-minimum 10 slides per person (may have more) and every image must be cited
-Two Key Primary Documents to review and explain the significance of to the class, think of APPARTS
-Two biographies of key people minimum
-overview of events
-lasting implications/significance
Works cited or bibliography on last slide or on the actual slide.  Due Date Monday 03/11/13

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

French Revolution/Napolean

Just a reminder that you are to read over your notes for Monday, February 4, 2013.
Here is a link to Napolean's Memoirs from the 1800s:    https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B008475BC8