Thursday, December 15, 2011

Citation Style and Annotated Bibliography

Check on the right side for links to examples of Turabian style of citation that is based on CMS. That is the format I would like and to use footnotes. On "Word" under the tab "References" click the "Insert Footnote." It will automatically put a number after your quote or paraphrase and drop you to the bottom of the paper to add your citation. Most history professors like to see immediately where your information is coming from rather than at the back of the paper. Make sure you click "Turabian" next to "Style" so you can also get a bibliography and you can add your annotations under the correct citation. If you have any questions please email me. Hope this helps!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Final Paper and Presentation

1) You will be writing a 5 page paper on the historiography of your approved topic. The paper is to be submitted by Friday the 6th or earlier. Use Turabian style of citation.
a) minimum 10 footnotes
b) minimum 7 primary sources
c) minimum 13 secondary sources
d) required annotated bibliography (20)
e) cover page required

Note: Not all of your research will be used in your paper but it is part of your grade --research and reference. I need to see that you are capable of finding pertinent info related to your topic. So you might only use 3 primary docs and 4 secondary sources in your actual written paper. I will review more of what is required in class.

2) You will be creating a 25 slide minimum ppt. presentation on your topic which will include images, primary docs, secondary sources, bullet points of key history and other various tools to discuss your topic you researched.
The presentation is due January 9th for everyone and I will randomly choose students to begin presenting on that day and until we finish around January 18th.

Thanks to

his·to·ri·og·ra·phy   /hɪˌstɔriˈɒgrəfi, -ˌstoʊr-/ Show Spelled[hi-stawr-ee-og-ruh-fee, -stohr-] Show IPA
noun, plural -phies.
1. the body of literature dealing with historical matters; histories collectively.
2. the body of techniques, theories, and principles of historical research and presentation; methods of historical scholarship.
3. the narrative presentation of history based on a critical examination, evaluation, and selection of material from primary and secondary sources and subject to scholarly criteria.
4. an official history: medieval historiographies.

A historiography paper is an essay that analyses the different ways in which various historians have approached a historical topic. Unlike a research paper, a historiography paper is not a study of a historical subject; instead, it is an examination of how scholars’ interpretations of history and historical events have changed over time. A historiography paper should give a detailed overview of the major works of scholarship on a topic, and it should summarize, evaluate, and
critique the arguments of each of those works.

Useful info on historiography papers: